Sheep for a Reason


History, wool and modern life on the farm: the story of how a nation’s prosperity came from the backs of sheep

‘Everywhere I look, not only on our farm but further afield, the Cotswolds scream of history and heritage …’

The traditions of sheep farming are at the heart of Sue and Aubrey’s prize-winning flock of pedigree texels. Heritage is everywhere — in the long lines of drystone walls, the freshly cut hay, and the daily hard work of a shepherding life.

The landscape of Britain has been shaped by sheep and for sheep for thousands of years. They have driven prehistoric wool spinning, built medieval churches, paid a king’s ransom and even been the focus of a deadly international smuggling trade.

As a new season unfolds on the farm, Sue uncovers the surprising story of sheep farming through the ages in Britain — and how the skills of the past may hold the key to the farms of the future

A tale of wool, history and new life on the farm


‘A superb read’

‘Enjoyed every minute’

‘Another super read’

‘Beautifully written’

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Sue Andrews is a journalist and sheep farmer. She has written for county magazines and the national equestrian and farming press. She and her husband Aubrey are established breeders of Texel, Blue Texel and Badgerface Texel sheep. Their close involvement with the work of the Texel Breed Society has taken them all over Europe. Their prize-winning Miserden Texel sheep have been successfully exhibited at major shows up and down the country. They have two children and they farm in Gloucestershire. This is the fourth book in the If Clouds Were Sheep series.

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